Hello & Welcome!

This site is designed with YOU in mind. I’m Chelly Bosworth and my goal is to provide you with a cozy escape into the world of romance, humor and a bit of quirk. Grab a cup of coffee, a mug of tea or a shot of whiskey and make yourself comfortable. Click here for my blogs (mostly inspirational nudgings for new writers and a bit of narrative about my daily grind). Click here for my ongoing romance serial (a chapter a day of swoony fiction). Click here for cut scenes or excerpts from my books (may contain language and/or sexy stuff). Most importantly, kick off your proverbial shoes, relax, refresh and drop a comment or two so the community can get to know you. We’re glad you’re here! Much love and happiness to each of you  ~xoxox

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[cq_vc_imageoverlay2 image=”636″ transitiondirection=”bottomright_topleft” isresize=”yes” imagewidth=”400″ icon_fontawesome=”” overlaytitle=”Blog Fodder” overlaycontent=”Inspirational Nudgings for new Writers and a bit of…” overlaystyle=”customized” overlaycolor=”rgba(201,90,199,0.25)” titlesize=”Blog Fodder” contentcolor=”#ffffff” extraclass=”altimg” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fchellybosworth.com%2Fblog-fodder%2F|||”]
[cq_vc_imageoverlay2 image=”560″ transitiondirection=”bottomright_topleft” isresize=”yes” imagewidth=”400″ icon_fontawesome=”” overlaytitle=”Excerpts & Cut Scenes” overlaycontent=”Romance at a Glance” overlaystyle=”customized” overlaycolor=”rgba(201,90,199,0.25)” titlesize=”Excerpts & Cut Scenes” contentcolor=”#ffffff” extraclass=”altimg” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fchellybosworth.com%2Fexcerpts%2F|title:Excerpts%20%26%20Cut%20Scenes||”]